The collection of student final assignments at UPT UMM Library is not in hard copy form, but has been digitally systemized in the UMM repository. In this regard, the UPT UMM Library's digital library serves students' final assignment reference searches in digital form. Searching for student final project references can be accessed via:
UMM Repository (
Access to the UMM repository can be done anywhere and at any time as long as it is connected to the internet. UMM students will get the full text of their final assignment by logging in using NIM & PIC, but students outside the UMM academic community can only get the final assignment file starting from the introduction to research methods.
Digilib (
Accessing student final assignments via Digilib can only be done on the digital library room computer or using your own device but must be connected to UMM campus Wi-Fi.
UMM Library UPT Automation (
Accessing students' final assignments through the UMM Library UPT automation can only be done on the computer in the digital library room or using their own device but must be connected to the UMM campus Wi-Fi.