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Happy Eid Al-Fitr 1445 H

All UPT.Library Leaders and Staff say TaqabbalAllahu Minna wa Minkum wa Taqabbal Ya Kariimm. Forgive me body and soul. I'ed Mubarak 1445 H. Forgive me body and soul. May Allah give health and strength to all of us. Amen.


Happy Fasting of Ramadhan 1445 H

UPT Leaders and Staff. UMM Library Wishes You a Happy Fasting Worship of Ramadan 1445 H, May We All Be Given Ease and Smoothness.


Upload Non Publish Thesis

Compiling a thesis or final assignment is one of the conditions for free from dependents in taking a diploma that must be fulfilled by all UMM students in the library by uploading it independently at http://eprints.umm.ac.id, now switching to http://etd. umm.ac.id.


Free International Seminar for UMM students

Participate in the free International Seminar held by FPPTI (Indonesian Higher Education Library Forum) in East Java in cooperation with the Muhammadiyah University Library of Malang, with Mr. Gazhali Muhammad Fadzil, Ph.D. (President of the Malaysian Librarians Association), and the event


MyUMM Library

Butuh refrensi untuk tugas kuliah, skripsi , tugas akhir  atau sekedar ingin  baca, namun tidak bisa datang ke Perpustakaan.  Tidak perlu resah dan bingung Perpustakaan UMM telah menyediakan fasilitas yang dapat    anda akses  secara online melalui website Perpustakaan UMM. Cukup dengan