Students whose final assignments are published in journals, both internal and external journals, are required to upload independently offline on UMM digilib. Students come to the digital library with a non-publish/embargo letter from the study program. Offline independent uploads can only
To Dear. Academic Community of Muhammadiyah University of Malang UMM Libraries, SMU Libraries, FPPTI JATIM, FPPTI DIY, & APPTNU collaborated to hold an International Webinar with the theme "The Evolution of Libraries from Information Providers to Research Partners: Changing Roles in
Congratulations and Success to our brother Dian Puspitasari for her success as Favorite Champion for Achievement Librarians in the National Level Achievement Librarian Competition which the National Library of Indonesia held on 24 - 26 June 2024. Hopefully, the achievements that
All UPT.Library Leaders and Staff say TaqabbalAllahu Minna wa Minkum wa Taqabbal Ya Kariimm. Forgive me body and soul. I'ed Mubarak 1445 H. Forgive me body and soul. May Allah give health and strength to all of us. Amen.
UPT Leaders and Staff. UMM Library Wishes You a Happy Fasting Worship of Ramadan 1445 H, May We All Be Given Ease and Smoothness.