Campus II Library is located on Jl. Dam Sutami 188A Malang is one of the UMM Libraries that provides services to UMM academics in general and specifically to the faculties of health (medicine, nursing, pharmacy and physiotherapy). Campus II Library is located on the 2nd floor with a total collection of books owned + 23,882 copies and 5,843 titles, plus a collection of journals, newspapers, magazines, and others. Other facilities owned by the Campus II Library besides Collections include, 1) Independent Borrowing. 2) Reading Room. 3) Public space. 4) OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog).
The services of the Campus II Library are the same as the three libraries in UMM Campus III, because all service systems are integrated with each other. Likewise, the regulations, rules and administrative sanctions that apply also have similarities. This is to make service easier, as well as provide the same rights and obligations for all students at UMM.
The existence of the Campus II Library is expected to be able to facilitate the academic community in Campus II in obtaining sources of information so as to facilitate the teaching and learning process independently.