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Here are the rules applied by the UMM library for library users:

  1. Every time visitors enter the library, they must bring a valid identity card (Students Card or Membership Card)
  2. Visitors are prohibited from wearing sandals, collarless shirts, hats, jackets, carrying bags, and folders
  3. Library visitors are not allowed to eat, drink and smoke except in the space provided
  4. Valuables (wallet, cell phone, etc.) are not allowed to be left in the safekeeping locker
  5. Members are prohibited from revealing their PIN to anyone
  6. Members are prohibited from lending their Membership Card or Students Card to anyone to use library facilities
  7. Library visitors are required to maintain the integrity of library materials and report to the officer if they find damaged library materials
  8. Visitors are expected not to be noisy in the library because it will disturb other users, and they must maintain politeness
  9. Users are strictly prohibited from damaging the facilities and bringing library collections out without going through the applicable procedures.
  10. The librarian has the right to reprimand or order users who dress inappropriately, perform impolite actions, or do not meet applicable regulations.


Members of the UMM library are as follows:


  1. Registered as a UMM student
  2. Attended the educational training for library users
  3. Have a PIN (personal identification number)

Lecturer / Permanent Employee

  1. Registered as UMM active lecturer or employee
  2. Have an EIN (Employee Identification Number) which functions as a Library Member Card

Lecturer / Contract Employee

  1. Showing the Decree as a lecturer/contract employee
  2. Membership shall automatically terminate when the contract expires
  3. Have an EIN (Employee Identification Number) which functions as a Library Member Card

Adjunct Lecturer

  1. Showing the Decree as an adjunct lecturer
  2. Forbidden to borrow or bring out the collections 
  3. Only making a copy and reading on the spot are allowed

Special Member (Non-UMM Student dan Public)

  1. Pay membership administration of Rp. 20K (valid for a month)
  2. Forbidden to borrow or bring out the collections 
  3. Only making a copy and reading on the spot are allowed


Each institution at UMM has its own regulations to manage the services, as well as in the UMM library, the regulations are stated as follows: 

  • Borrowing regulations
    • Borrowing the locker key and laptop bag rules
      1. Locker key and laptop bag borrowing is valid for only one day (during working hours).
      2. Late returns of borrowed necessities are subject to administrative sanctions.
      3. Members who lose or damage keys and laptop bags are required to replace them at a predetermined cost.
      4. Students are not allowed to use other student cards.
    • Borrowing library collections rules
      1. Maximum number of borrowed library collections is 10 books
      2. Library collections are borrowed for a maximum of 14 days from the date of issue.
      3. Borrowing process must be done independently.
      4. Students are not allowed to use another student card and PIN (personal identification number)
      5. Special members (public, extraordinary lecturers, non-UMM students) are not allowed to borrow the library collections, only allowed to read on the spot and photocopy some library collections.
  • Returning library collections rules
    • The collection must be returned according to the return date stated on the cover of the borrowed collection.
    • Returning collections must go through the on-site clerk.
    • It is forbidden to return the collection directly to the shelf or other place without the knowledge of the library officer.
    • Late returns of borrowed collections are subject to administrative sanctions.
  • Borrowed collections extension rules
    • Extending borrowed library collections can be done and valid through the library officer.
    • Extending borrowed library collections can be done independently if there is no delay.
    • The extension period is allowed only once with a period of 14 days.


Every violation committed by library members will be subject to sanctions. The sanctions include:

  • The delay in returning the borrowed book collection is subject to an administrative sanction of IDR 500 (five hundred rupiahs) per day per book
  • Those who lose library materials must replace with new ones in accordance with the library’s provisions
  • The return of locker keys and laptop bags that do not comply with the provisions will be subject to an administration fee of IDR 10,000 (ten thousand rupiahs) per day.
  • Those who lose and damage the locker keys and laptop bags must pay a fee of IDR 25,000 (twenty five thousand rupiah).
  • Visitors who are caught lending their Member Card and telling other people their PIN will have their membership blocked for 3 months. Re-activation is valid after an official request and statement from the person concerned.
  • Violation of social ethics will be submitted to the faculty or student bureau.
  • Visitors who are caught cheating (tearing, theft of collections, and damaging of library facilities) are subject to sanctions:
    1. Reported to the faculty or student bureau
    2. Replace the damaged collection or facility in accordance with library provisions.
    3. Administrative sanctions (blocked membership for 1 semester).
    4. The membership might be removed

Library Clearance

Library clearance is provided for UMM students to fulfill several administration requirements as follows:

  1. Graduation requirements
  2. Lost Student ID Card administration
  3. University transfer
  4. Temporary termination (leave/terminal)
  5. Permanent termination

Library clearance certifies that a student has returned all library’s facilities such as locker keys, laptop bags, print collections, or other things related to the library (campus II, III, postgraduate, and mosque libraries).