The collection of student final assignments at UPT UMM Library is not in hard copy form, but has been digitally systemized in the UMM repository. In this regard, the UPT UMM Library's digital library serves students' final assignment reference searches in
UMM students who will look for references for their final assignments in the UMM repository or who will upload their final assignments are required to activate their accounts. This is done so that students get the full text of the final
Participate in the free International Seminar held by FPPTI (Indonesian Higher Education Library Forum) in East Java in cooperation with the Muhammadiyah University Library of Malang, with Mr. Gazhali Muhammad Fadzil, Ph.D. (President of the Malaysian Librarians Association), and the event
Butuh refrensi untuk tugas kuliah, skripsi , tugas akhir atau sekedar ingin baca, namun tidak bisa datang ke Perpustakaan. Tidak perlu resah dan bingung Perpustakaan UMM telah menyediakan fasilitas yang dapat anda akses secara online melalui website Perpustakaan UMM. Cukup dengan
Simak kembali sobat...... Perpustakaan UMM mengadakan Live On Instagram di “UMMLIBTALKS #4”, senin, 24 oktober 2022 pada pukul 14.00 Wib, dengan tema kali ini mengangkat tentang “Generasi Milenial yang Berliterasi”. Acara tersebut akan di pandu oleh saudara Moh. Zawawi, A.Md.,S.I.Pust Pustakawan