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Muhammadiyah Corner

In improving the quality of library services for users at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, various efforts have been made to improve and add several facilities that are deemed necessary. Efforts have been made to increase activities that can stimulate and motivate the academic community to come and use the library. One of the facilities that have been around for a long time is expected to be able to attract the interest of users, namely the Muhammadiyah Corner.
The existence of Muhammadiyah Corner which is on the 1st floor of the Central Library and has been equipped with reading room facilities, television, printed collections about Muhammadiyah starting from history, Muhammadiyah figures, and many others is a very representative and comfortable place to read or discuss and carry out activities – other activities. The presence of Muhammadiyah Corner must indeed exist in the library in fact the UMM library is part of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang which is under the auspices of the Muhammadiyah organization.
The development of Muhammadiyah Corner is also needed to meet scientific needs regarding Islam and Muhammadiyah which can be utilized by readers for research or as a reference for other scientific assignments. By repairing and providing its own room for Muhammadiyah Corner and adding several printed collections, it is hoped that it will be able to make Muhammadiyah Corner one of the facilities that can provide extensive information about Muhammadiyah and its activities and contributions to our nation and country. In addition, Muhammadiyah Corner can be used as a mini museum which is expected to accommodate and preserve various information about Muhammadiyah.
Not only developing Muhammadiyah Corner or other units with various facilities so that they look grand and luxurious physically but are not used and utilized but introducing and attracting interest is a Library task that is just as difficult when inviting and getting used to visitors coming to the Library.