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Get to know the library print collection management system

Are you having trouble finding a collection of books in the library? Even though I had taken part in the Library Technical Guidance (BIMTEK) when I first entered UMM, I had also searched for OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) but I


A.R. Mosque Library Fachrudin Univ. Malang Muhammadiyah

The library is a vital public service and is needed by all academics, both individually and as an institution. Admittedly or not the existence of a library as a technical implementation unit is a facility that can support, expedite and facilitate


Muhammadiyah Corner

In improving the quality of library services for users at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang, various efforts have been made to improve and add several facilities that are deemed necessary. Efforts have been made to increase activities that can stimulate and



Katalogisasi berasal dari bahasa Indonesia yang diambil dari bahasa yunani yaitu katalogos yang memiliki arti  “Kata” bermakna sarana atau menurut,  sedangkan “logos” berarti susunan atau alasan. Secara harafiah  dapat kita artikan katalog merupakan susunan daftar buku dengan menggunakan standarisasi sesuai dengan


PIN (Personal Identification Number)

Pemenuhan akan  privasi, keamanan dan kepercayaan dalam sebuah  transaksi  dimanapun menjadi  kebutuhan dan jaminan yang di perlukan konsumen dalam segala bidang ,     terlebih - lebih bidang keuangan seperti bank atau perusahaan asuransi.   Penggunaan   PIN (Personal Identification Number) atau nomor pribadi salah