Name: Buya Haji Ahmad Rasyid Sutan Mansur
Place, date of birth: West Sumatra, December 15, 1895
Brief biography:
The Minang region once gave birth to one of Muhammadiyah's great figures, namely Ahmad Rasyid Sutan Mansur. Born in Maninjau, West Sumatra on Sunday night Monday 26 Jumadil Akhir 1313 Hijriyah, coinciding with December 15, 1895 AD. Ahmad Rasyid received education and instilled basic religious values from both of his parents. In addition, for general education, he studied at the Inlandshe School (IS) in 1902-1909. Here he studied arithmetic, geography, geometry, and so on. After graduating from this school, he was offered to study at Kweekschool (Teacher's School, also commonly called the King's School) in Bukit Tinggi with a scholarship and a guarantee of a teacher's rank after graduating from the school. However, the offer was rejected because he was more interested in studying religion, besides at that time he was already possessed by the spirit of anti-Dutch colonialism. He served as the Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership (1956–1959) and played an important role in spreading Islamic teachings through preaching, education, and writing. Buya Ahmad Rasyid was also known for his simplicity and sincerity in preaching.
1. Principles of the Muhammadiyah Movement
2. Djihad: Living Jihad Among Opponents and Friends
3. The Spirit of Islam
4. Tauhid Forms the Muslim Personality
5. A Call to a New Life