Kiai Haji Mas Mansur was a prominent Islamic scholar and leader of an Islamic organization in Indonesia. Born in Surabaya, he was the son of Kiai Haji Mas Ahmad Marzuki, a well-known scholar, and Siti Zakijah, a woman of Bugis and Minang descent. At the age of 12, Mas Mansur traveled to Mecca to pursue his studies and later continued his education at Al-Azhar University in Egypt. During his time in Egypt, he was influenced by Western ideas about freedom, humanism, and democracy, as well as the Egyptian people's struggle against British colonialism.
After returning to Indonesia in 1915, Mas Mansur became active in various Islamic organizations. He joined Muhammadiyah and became the Chairman of the Muhammadiyah Central Board in 1937. Under his leadership, Muhammadiyah saw significant growth, including the establishment of the Majelis Tarjih to provide guidance for Muhammadiyah members and the creation of a more structured central office for the organization.
Works :
Hadist Nabawiyah
Syarat Syahnya Nikah
Risalah Tauhid
Adab Al-Bahts wa Al-Munadhara
Source :
Library UMY. "Kiprah Sang Pendidik: K.H. Mas Mansur." Library UMY,
Suara Muhammadiyah. "Keteladanan KH Mas Mansur Rahimahullah untuk Generasi Muslim." Suara Muhammadiyah,
ESI Kemdikbud. "Mas Mansyur." Encyclopedia of Indonesian Studies,