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Kiai Haji Ahmad Azhar Basyir, M.A

Kiai Haji Ahmad Azhar Basyir, M.A. was a prominent Islamic scholar and intellectual from Muhammadiyah, known for his simplicity and broad knowledge. Born in Yogyakarta, he was the son of KH. M. Basyir and Siti Djilalah. His formal education began at Muhammadiyah Primary School in Suronatan Yogyakarta, then he continued his studies at Madrasah Salafiyah Tremas Pacitan and Madrasah Al-Fallah Kauman Yogyakarta. After completing his education at Madrasah Aliyah Yogyakarta in 1952, he pursued further studies at the Faculty of Literature, University of Baghdad, Iraq, and later at the Faculty of Dar al-‘Ulum, Cairo University, Egypt, where he earned his Master’s degree with a thesis titled Nizam al-Miras fi Indunisia, Bain al-‘Urf wa asy-Syari’ah al-Islamiyyah, which discussed the inheritance system in Indonesia between customary law and Islamic law.

In terms of organizational work, KH. Ahmad Azhar Basyir was active from a young age. In 1945, he joined the Hizbullah Battalion 36 in Yogyakarta to defend Indonesia’s independence. He also served as the Chairman of Muhammadiyah Youth from 1954 to 1956, Chairman of the Majelis Tarjih of the Muhammadiyah Central Board from 1985 to 1990, and as the Chairman of Muhammadiyah from 1990 to 1995.

Works : 

  1. Refleksi Atas Persoalan Keislaman

  2. Garis-Garis Besar Ekonomi Islam

  3. Hukum Waris Islam

  4. Citra Manusia Muslim

  5. Syarah Hadits

Source : 

  • Digilib UIN Sunan Kalijaga. (n.d.). Biografi Kiai Haji Ahmad Azhar Basyir, M.A. Diambil dari https://digilib.uin-suka.ac.id

  • Khazanah Republika. (n.d.). Biografi KH. Ahmad Azhar Basyir, Ketum Muhammadiyah, Pelopor Tajdid Organisasi.