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International Seminar and Inauguration of East Java Regional FPPTI Management

The Muhamadiyah University Malang Library in collaboration with FPPTI (Indonesian Higher Education Library Forum) East Java on Saturday 21 January 2023 held an International Seminar with the theme "Bridging International Networking: Library Partnership and Future of Libraries" with speaker Mr. Gazhali Muhammad Fadzil, Ph.D. ( President of the Malaysian Librarians Association), while for the Keynote Speaker by Dr. Asep Nurjaman, M.Sc as Head of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang Library. Apart from international seminars, there was also the inauguration of the Board of FPPTI (Indonesian Higher Education Library Forum) concurrently for the East Java region for the 2022-2025 period.
The opening was carried out by Prof. Dr. Syamsul Arifin, M.Si. Vice Chancellor I on this occasion, he hoped that in the future the Libraries could collaborate so that the Indonesian Libraries could advance together. Followed by Melati Purba Bestari, S.Sos. as Chair of the new FPPTI East Java 2022-2025 who emphasizes always sharing, caring, and networking between libraries.
The event was attended by nearly 400 participants, both from librarians, library managers, representatives of the East Java KADIS DIPERPUSIP, library practitioners and UMM students. It is hoped that this event will be able to open insight and knowledge about the existence of libraries for students in particular, the establishment of collaboration between libraries both on a national and international scale.