Alhamdulillah, congratulations and success to Prof. Dr. Asep Nurjaman, M.Si, Head of the UMM Library for the Inauguration of a Professor in the Field of Political Science, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences on Saturday, December 23, 2023, which was inaugurated
UPT. The University of Muhammadiyah Malang Library received a working visit from the National Library of the Republic of Indonesia on Thursday, December 14 2023 by Mrs. Monalisa Silvia Maretta, S.Sos., MP and Sri Mulyani S.I.Pus as duty bearers, which was
To fulfill the Practicum for the Course "Library and Information Network Cooperation" in the Study Program (PRODI) Bachelor of Islamic Library and Information Science (IPPI) Faculty of ADAB UIN Lampung, the UMM Library had the honor of visiting 58 students and
The library is one of the supporting facilities in the world of education that can be used for independent learning from an early age. Instilling a child's love of reading or love of books must be fostered from childhood, and there
To make the University superior and go international, the University of Muhammadiyah Malang on November 9 2023 held a meeting "Consigning the ASIIN International Accreditation Website". The event was opened by Mr. Prof. Aris Winaya, M.M, M.Si, IPU ASEAN Eng as