The library is one of the supporting facilities in the world of education that can be used for independent learning from an early age. Instilling a child's love of reading or love of books must be fostered from childhood, and there are many ways to create this opportunity. These include frequently inviting children to come to the library, and creating an image that the library is something fun, these things are important for the future direction of children so that they are not allergic to coming to the library.
This was done by the 3rd grade students at SD Muhammadiyah 4 Batu Malang who visited the UMM Library on November 8, 2023, which was attended by approximately 100 children accompanied by 7 teachers. On this occasion the Library provided literacy about the dangers of bullying, literacy about the library, as well as several games that were educational in nature. It is hoped that the joy and happiness for children by coming to the library will provide good memories that can create a good image of the existence of the Library.