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SILASMA (National Gathering of the Muhammadiyah Aisyiyah Library)

In 2024, UPT. The University of Muhammadiyah Malang library is a home for gatherings for Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah University Libraries throughout Indonesia who are members of the FPTTMA organization. This event was attended by approximately 75 participants from various Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah universities in Indonesia. Several invitees who attended the event were from the central FPPTI, the chairman of the East Java FPPTI and his entourage, the chairman of the APPTNU. This activity is a routine activity carried out every year to show the important role of libraries in the world of education, which is not only considered as a mere symbol.

Implementation of activities will start on June 5 2024 with an opening by the chairman of FPPTMA, Mrs. Irkhamiyati, M.IP and Prof.Dr. Asep Nurjaman, M.Si as Head of the UMM Library. Followed by a call for papers who had previously been selected as many as 19 participants, RAKORNAS FPPTMA closed the first day of the event. On Day 2, June 6 2024, the National Seminar was held again, opened by the Head of the FPPTMA Center, followed by remarks from Mr. Prof.Dr. Nazaruddin Malik, M.Si as UMM's Chancellor, then Keynote Speaker Mr. Mohammad Adam Jerusalem (Deputy Secretary of the PP Muhammadiyah Diktilitbang Council). As resource person, Prof. E. Aminudin Aziz, M.A., Ph.D. (Pit. Head of the Indonesian National Library), Dr. Labibah, MLIS (Head of the Library at UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta), Dian Puspitasari, S.AP (UMM Librarian and Secretary of the Central FPPTMA). The event continued with a Talk Show hosted by Dwi Cahyo, S.IP, M.A (Head of the Pontianak Muhammadiyah University Library) as moderator, for resource person Novy Diana Fauzie SS, MA (Head of the Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University Library).

At this event several Muhammadiyah and Aisyiyah Universities signed an MOU with the National Library of Indonesia which their respective agencies represented. Apart from that, awards were also given for various competitions that had been held previously, including:

Excellence Award Category:
1. Muhammadiyah University of Malang Library
2. Yogyakarta Aisyiyah University (UNISA) Library
3. Ahmad Dahlan University Library Yogyakarta
4. Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah Library
5. Muhammadiyah University Surakarta Library
6. Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra Library

Best Essay Category:
1. First Place Endang Dwi Kartika (Muhammadiyah University of Jember)
2. Second place winner Atin Istiarni (Muhammadiyah University of Magelang)
3. Third Place Bimo Ridho Pratama (Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta)
4. First Runner Up Danang Bagus Mahendra (Ahmad Dahlan Lamongan Institute of Technology and Business)
5. Second Runner Up Elfinawati (Muhammadiyah University, North Sumatra)
6. Third Runner Up Rahmad Hidiyat (Muhammadiyah Sindereng Rappang University) 

Best Research Category: 
1. First Place: Rahmat Fadhi, Cecep Ibrahim, Baiquni Rahmat, Berlian Eka Kurnia (Muhammadiyah University Jember)
2. Second Place M. Yusuf Setiawan, Ana Wahyuni, Suansah, Ari Fatmawati A (Muhammadiyah University Surakarta)
3. Third Place Dwi Cahyo Prasetyo (Muhammadiyah University Pontianak)
4. First Runner Up Nita Siti M, Arda Putri W, Ferika Sandra (Muhamam Yogyakarta University)
5. Second Runner Up M.Erdiansyah, Cholid Anjali, Zeni Istiqomah (Muhammadiyah University Yogyakarta)
6. Third Runner Up Ana Pujiastutik and Labibah (Ahmad Dahlan University)

Best Website Category
1. First Place in UMS Library and Digital Services
2. Second place in the Ahmad Dahlan University Library
3. 3rd Place in Banjarmasin Muhammadiyah University Library
4. First Runner Up in the Library of the Muhammadiyah University of North Sumatra
5. Second Runner Up in the Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo University Library
6. Third Runner-up in the Muhammadiyah Jember University Library 

Best Instagram Category
1. First Place in Yogyakarta Muhammadiyah University Library
2. Second place in UMS University Libraries and Digital Services
3. Third Place in Purwekerto Muhammadiyah University Library
4. First Runner-up in Jember Muhammadiyah University Library 
5. Second Runner Up in the Muhammadiyah Gresik University Library
6. Third Runner Up in the Ahmad Dahlan University Library, Yogyakarta

Best Korwil Category  
1. First Place in Kalimantan Regional Coordinator
2. Second place in North Sumatra Regional Coordinator
3. Third Place in Sulawesi Regional Coordinator

The Life Achievement Award was pinned to Mr. Drs.Lasa Hs, M.Si who contributed many thoughts to the world of Libraries both through writings (Books, Book Manuscripts, Papers) and gave directly through seminars or at meetings of librarians both formally and non-formally. 
The final event was held a Gala Dinner at the Rayz Hotel UMM and Bromo Tour to get to know and build friendship with fellow participants, and hopefully this activity can also improve abilities and skills so that they can benefit themselves, the institution and the wider community.