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Scopus outreach

In an effort to answer the challenges of the rapid flow of information in the globalization era which places more emphasis on technological sophistication, it is only natural that the development of infrastructure and the improvement of human resource capabilities (HR)


Book Day

Books are one of the media that can add insight and increase knowledge. The presence of books that have existed in the world since hundreds of years ago shows the role that books play in human life both individually and in


Award for third place in the FPPTMA best website category competition

It is an honor and happiness for UPT. The University of Muhammadiyah Malang Library which has succeeded in receiving the third rank award in the best website category competition held by FPPTMA (Muhamadiyah Aisyiyah Higher Education Library Forum) on February 22,


MOU ( Memorandum Of Understanding )

Kerjasama merupakan salah satu upaya yang mulai banyak dilakukan oleh perpustakaan – perpustakaan di dunia Pendidikan baik tingkat menengah maupun universitas guna  meningkatan dan mengembangkan perpustakaan baik sarana prasarana, koleksi, teknologi dan juga untuk memperluas jaringan. Selain itu Kerjasama juga  dilakukan